July 26, 2012

New PTU Kit- The Avenue

Hey! I've got a new kit for ya today! It's based on shopping and having a great time with friends. Grab your credit cards and cash and come on down to the Avenue! It's got 67 elements and 14 papers, and is available at any of the stores I sell in! 

You can find the stores I sell in, in the left side of the page. 

I hope you like it, and thanks for stopping by!

July 23, 2012

New PTU kit- A Gypsy's Revenge

I have a new kit today for ya! This kit is meant to be a darker version of a gypsy's life. She's been scorned and is waiting for the perfect time to get her revenge. It has 69 elements and 16 papers. Tagger size and PU only.

You can find this kit at any of the stores I sell in! :) 

Thanks for stopping by! 

July 12, 2012

Argentina Show Off Tag and Snags

Just wanted to show off a tag I made with the awesome artwork of Alex Prihodko (with you can find HERE) and offer some snag tags! 

I think this is one of my favorite beach tags I've made this year! :) 

Hope you enjoy and can put them to good use! 

July 10, 2012

Dark Fairy PTU Tutorial

This tutorial was written by me, any resemblance to any other tutorial is completely unintentional. PSP version used: PSP X2

I'm using an awesome work of Heidi M Drake.This tube and others like it can be purchased at Artistically Inclined Licensing
Scrap Kit-
 I used the scrap kit Vamp Glamour by Addictive Pleasures

HFF Pessoas Lindas

 VanDerLee- Interlace
dsb flux> Bright Noise
Eye Candy 4000> Gradient Glow
xero> Radiance

Okay, let's get started! 
Open new canvas 600 x 250
Open full layer of your tube, c&p into canvas.
duplicate 2 times. Arrange as so: 

Merge visible. 

New raster layer.
Use your dropper tool to get 2 colors and make a gradient with them-
Angle 51, repeats 4. 
Duplicate your merged layer.
 Adjust>Blur>Gaussian Blur- 
Radius- 4. 
Top Duplicate layer-Blend mode, Screen.
Drop opacity to 65. 
Second merged layer- 
Soft light, drop opacity to 85. 

Now open up your tube again, resize 75%, c & p. 

Now back to your top merged layer. 
Plugins> VanDerLee> Interlace with these settings: 

Now crop your banner. 
Selections>Select All
Selections>Modify> Select Selection Border>
Make sure anti-alias is checked, inside, border width 5. 
New Raster layer above all other layers. 
Fill with your gradient from before. 
Plugins>dsb flux>Bright Noise, Intensity 35, Mix. 
Plugins>Eye Candy 4000> Gradient Glow>
Glow Width-3.00
Soft Corners- 25%
Overall Opacity-100%

with these settings: 

Now for the elements: 
Skulls- 50%, duplicate, mirror. 
Fan- 30%, duplicate, mirror. 
Swag- 50%, duplicate, mirror. 
Roses2- 40%, duplicate, mirror. 
Add your drop shadow as you please. 

Now for the name. 

I used HFF Pessoas Lindas at 75 px. in black.
Convert to raster layer. 
Plugins>Eye Candy 4000>Gradient Glow, same settings as before. 
Add your drop shadow. 

Now do your copyright and watermark how ever you like. 

Now on to the avatar: 

Open new canvas at 175 x 175. 
Back to the banner. visibility toggle the boarder, name and copyright. 
Copy Merged. 
Paste into your avatar. 
Resize 80%, and crop. 
Selections> Select All 
Selections> Modify> Select Selection Borders- same settings as before. 
Fill with your gradient. 
dsb flux, same settings as before. repeat once. 
Plugins>Eye Candy 4000> Gradient Glow- same as before. 
Now add your name and copyright and you are finally finished!!! 


Thanks for checking out my tutorial and I hope you enjoyed it! 

July 6, 2012

CU Fence Freebie

I was playin around again, LOL and made a back yard privacy fence. :) You are welcome to do what you like with it and enjoy!

Don't forget to leave me some love if you snag it! Get that HERE! :)