This tutorial was written by me, any resemblance to any other tutorial is completely unintentional. PSP version used: PSP X2
Scrap Kit-
HFF Pessoas Lindas
VanDerLee- Interlace
dsb flux> Bright Noise
Eye Candy 4000> Gradient Glow
xero> Radiance
Okay, let's get started!
Open new canvas 600 x 250
Open full layer of your tube, c&p into canvas.
duplicate 2 times. Arrange as so:
Merge visible.
New raster layer.
Use your dropper tool to get 2 colors and make a gradient with them-
Angle 51, repeats 4.
Duplicate your merged layer.
Adjust>Blur>Gaussian Blur-
Radius- 4.
Top Duplicate layer-Blend mode, Screen.
Drop opacity to 65.
Second merged layer-
Soft light, drop opacity to 85.
Now open up your tube again, resize 75%, c & p.
Now back to your top merged layer.
Plugins> VanDerLee> Interlace with these settings:
Now crop your banner.
Selections>Select All
Selections>Modify> Select Selection Border>
Make sure anti-alias is checked, inside, border width 5.
New Raster layer above all other layers.
Fill with your gradient from before.
Plugins>dsb flux>Bright Noise, Intensity 35, Mix.
Plugins>Eye Candy 4000> Gradient Glow>
Glow Width-3.00
Soft Corners- 25%
Overall Opacity-100%
with these settings:
Now for the elements:
Skulls- 50%, duplicate, mirror.
Fan- 30%, duplicate, mirror.
Swag- 50%, duplicate, mirror.
Roses2- 40%, duplicate, mirror.
Add your drop shadow as you please.
Now for the name.
I used HFF Pessoas Lindas at 75 px. in black.
Convert to raster layer.
Plugins>Eye Candy 4000>Gradient Glow, same settings as before.
Add your drop shadow.
Now do your copyright and watermark how ever you like.
Now on to the avatar:
Open new canvas at 175 x 175.
Back to the banner. visibility toggle the boarder, name and copyright.
Copy Merged.
Paste into your avatar.
Resize 80%, and crop.
Selections> Select All
Selections> Modify> Select Selection Borders- same settings as before.
Fill with your gradient.
dsb flux, same settings as before. repeat once.
Plugins>Eye Candy 4000> Gradient Glow- same as before.
Now add your name and copyright and you are finally finished!!!
Thanks for checking out my tutorial and I hope you enjoyed it!