This Tutorial was written by me, any resemblance to another tutorial is completely unintentional. PSP version used: PSP X5
I'm using the beautiful artwork of Anna Marine. this tube
and her other work can be found at
Creative Design Outlet.
Scrap Kit
I used the Autumn Eventide by Pink Paradox Productions, you
can purchase it at her
Personal Store
Blackadder ITC
Vanderlee> Unplugged-X
Lokas Software>Metal
Eye Candy 4000>ShadowLab & Gradient Glow
Alright let's get started.
Open up your canvas 600 x 600.
Open up Autumn Eventide F Frame, and resize to 560 x 379, C&P into your canvas.
Now open up your tube and resize to your liking, C&P into your canvas.
Open Autumn Eventide F (5), resize to 549 x 570. Image>Rotate Left. C&P.
Now, copy your close up tube and paste into your canvas behind the first frame.
Duplicate twice, go to the first layer, Image> Flip Horizontal, and then position the tube layers accordingly. and then merge all close ups.
Now go to your magic wand tool, and fill the inside of the top frame, Autumn Eventide F.
Selections>Modify... 5.
Got down to the close up, merged layer and then go to Selections, Invert, and hit delete on your keyboard.
Selections>Select None.
Duplicate your close up layer.
Crop your canvas.
Now magic wand the center of the top frame again, and Selections>Modify... 5.
Now take your color picker tool and find 3 colors from your tube to create a gradient, like so:
Create a new raster layer and then flood fill with your gradient.
Now go to your top duplicated close up layer, and Adjust>Blur>Gaussian Blur, 6.
Use your blend mode- Screen on that layer, and on the original close up layer
use the blend mode Luminance (Legacy). Lower opacity to 75%.
Now back to the layer that you blurred, use plug-in Vanderlee>Unplugged-X> Interlace
with these settings:
Now for the elements!
Autumn Eventide E (21) resize to 20%, Image> Free Rotate.... Right 40%, C&P.
Autumn Eventide E (11) resize to 30%, C&P. Duplicate, Image>Flip Horizontal and position
on the other side of the original.
Autumn Eventide E (18), resize to 30%. position right in front of the bottom frame Autumn Eventide F (5)
and erase excess part of tree branch sticking out.
Autumn Eventide E (3) resize to 30%, C&P.
Autumn Eventide E (35) resize to 40%, C&P.
Autumn Eventide E (76) resize to 20%, C&P. Duplicate, and Image>Flip Horizontal.
Position accordingly.
Autumn Eventide E (75) resize to 15%, C&P. Duplicate, and Image>Flip Horizontal.
Postion accordingly.
Autumn Eventide E (29) resize to 15%, Image> Flip Horizontal, C&P.
Autumn Eventide E (33) resize to 30%. C&P.
Autumn Eventide E (1) resize to 30%, C&P.
Autumn Eventide E (41) resize to 30%, C&P.
Autumn Eventide E (77) resize to 40%, C&P. Duplicate, Image>Flip Horizontal, position opposite of original.
Autumn Eventide E (66) resize to 40%, C&P.
Autumn Eventide E (90) resize to 50%, C&P. Duplicate, Image>Flip Horizontal, position opposite of original.
Autumn Eventide E (106) resize to 75%, Image> Flip Horizontal, C&P. Manually tilt it to your liking with your Pick Tool.
Autumn Eventide E (122) resize to 40%, C&P.
Autumn Eventide E (121) resize to 75%, C&P. Reduce Opacity to 75%.
Autumn Eventide E (88) resize to 75%, C&P.
Now add your drop shadows to all of your layers. I used Eye Candy 4000> Shadowlab with these settings:
Now for the name.
I used the font Blackadder ITC at 60px, Bold, with the Anti-alias set to Smooth, in this
red-ish color (#b03940).
Convert to Raster Layer, and then use the plug-in Lokas Software> Metal with these settings:
Now use Eye Candy 4000>Gradient Glow with Basic's set to default and these settings for color:
Add your drop shadow.
Now add your copyrights and save as a PNG, and you're finished!
Thank you for checking out my tutorial, I hope you have enjoyed it!